Rolling digital dice on a click from notes and statblocks is great, but having to write the dice notation in a rᴏllable() block beforehand doesn’t help too much with ad-hoc rolls. That isn’t a problem any more with the new Dice Roller, allowing you to roll the dice you need at a moment’s notice! Type your dice notation ..
Category : Updates
The new co-owner sharing role allows you to share your campaign with other people and gives them (almost*) full control of it. Perfect for co-GMs or players wanting to share full campaign notes, allowing them the ability to add, edit and delete anything! The new role will appear in the access role list along with ..
Notes, statblock and consumable markdown can now include a field to enable rolling digital dice! Use the rollable() markdown syntax to create a link that will roll the dice specified using standard dice notation (1d6, 1d20+2, 2d6+4d4+6, etc) when clicked. dice Required The dice notation for the roll. See below for more details. dicelabel Optional ..
Apply your own custom CSS styling to all your campaign objects with custom CSS! This is an advanced feature which requires knowledge of CSS and how to work out which elements to apply the styling to, but for those that can (and those who know someone that can), you can change the notes style to ..
Drag objects between columns to convert them to a different type! Child objects will be converted along with the on..
New transclusion options are available – Object status and note summary. Object status Allows for displaying the status of another object (or multiple other objects) in notes. Useful to create an ‘index’ object to see an overview of objects e.g. a quest with a number of tasks, or an organisation with members. Syntax {{objectid.status}} (or {{objectid.conts?block}}}). Include ..
The login process has had a makeover! There has been some behind-the-scenes changes that ultimately caused some cosmetic changes to the login process. It still uses your same Google account and none of the data is affected in any way. Why change it? Because the old way is being removed by Google and will no ..
Sharing controls on journal entries Journal entries can now be shared or hidden as needed so you can choose to keep your own journal entries form being seen by other people viewing your campaign. Keep more of your secret information secret! As with other sharing options, just toggle the sharing setting by clicking the eye ..
Objects can have ‘flags’ assigned to them which are coloured shapes that appear in the object lists. This helps visually categorise and emphasise objects which allows you to find them quickly and easily when needed. Kind of like bookmarks or sticky-note tabs on a physical book! Select the object flag from the object details panel. ..
New! Access Roles Access roles to control who has access to your campaign and what they can see. Create roles in the campaign preferences and set the role type. Give the generated access key to the users you want to have that role, then when they log in, they can enter the key to join ..